Maternity sessions have become some of my absolute favorite types of sessions to shoot. Not only because mama-to-be is beaming and glowing but because you can just feel the love and anticipation of the future parents (and siblings) anxiously waiting for baby to arrive. I think Maternity Sessions are super important because in a way they mark the end (or beginning) of an era in your family’s life. Life is about to change tremendously, a brand new chapter about to begin and that is SO darn exciting. 🥰 If you are an expectant mama and are still on the fence about whether or not to book a maternity session, I strongly encourage you to take the jump and book it. Not only for you BUT ALSO FOR YOUR FUTURE CHILD!
Think about how special it would be for you and your child to look through your family album together and not only see beautiful portraits of all the important milestones in their life as they grow up but ALSO having beautiful portraits of that time right before they were born, when it was just mommy and them for 9 months before life as they know it officially began.
Sure, you can take selfies with your phone through your pregnancy and those will still be significant when you are looking back through them years from now, but having been pregnant twice myself, I know how tough the days can be towards the third trimester (especially when you are already chasing a toddler around that doesn’t understand that mommy is growing a human inside her 😅) and there is literally no energy left to try and get dressed up and feel beautiful and truly appreciate the stage you are in. I think that is part of the beauty of a maternity session, that it forces you to take a pause and commemorate this stage your family is in and most importantly celebrate the miracle of life growing inside you. SERIOUSLY, HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!
When should you plan for your maternity portraits?
In my experience, the best time to do your maternity session is between 33-36 weeks depending on your comfort level. We obviously want a nice round baby bump, but I also want to make sure that you feel comfortable enough to sit, walk and not be in pain throughout your session.
If you are curious about my maternity sessions and what is included in your session fee here is a link to my Investment guide with all the pricing info you need! 😉
Ready to book your maternity session?? GREAT! 🥰 Make sure to fill out my inquiry form on my website or email me at and I cannot wait to hear from you!

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